Kangaroo Island’s wildflowers

Kangaroo Island Bush Pea - Pultenaea trifida

One of the many joys of living on Kangaroo Island, and in particular on its western end, is to witness the delightful annual display of wildflowers.  From late winter onwards, as the days grow longer and warmer, the heath-land and forests burst into colour.  The greatest variety of flowers obviously occurs in the Spring, but there are in fact some native plants in flower on the island all year round.


The winter fungi of western Kangaroo Island

Mycena sp - growing at head-height on a fallen log.

Winter is the quietest time of year for tourism on Kangaroo Island.   Considering the often wild weather, chilly temperatures and frequent rainfall, that comes as no surprise.  But the very conditions that keep visitors away also create an ideal environment for the profusion of fungi found on the wilder western end of the island.   The rains come and so do the fungi, springing up in forests, along creek lines and around paddocks.
